LHIMS Assistant

Save Time, Reduce Errors

Transform your LHIMS experience with intelligent features that simplify your workflow.

  • Quick navigations
  • Intuitive client management
  • Custom templates and guidelines


The tool that helps you deliver better care

Work faster with less error

If you had an extra hour every day, what would you do with it.
  • Manage todos
  • Single click navigation
  • Find patients in just one click
  • Keep record of all your patient
  • Autocomplete suggestions
  • Dark mode to protect your eyes


picture of Delali

Hi, this is Delali and Laura, creators of LHIMS Assistant

During the first three months of our housemanship, We felt overwhelmed. We often couldn't focus, and no matter what we tried, We still ended up leaving the hospital late every single day. As both doctors and an entrepreneurs, we know how precious time and energy are. That's why We built LHIMS Assistant.

We created this tool for three main reasons:

1. Save Time By reducing repetitive tasks.

2. Provide Better Care With accessible history templates, treatment guidelines, and protocols fingertips.

3. Simplify the Workday Ultimately, there's no fancy trick—just cutting down on the little things that eat up our time.

To be honest, We still struggle sometimes. But LHIMS Assistant helps us make the most of our day, and we believe it can do the same for you.

Elevate Your Healthcare Workflow

save time, reduce errors, and focus on what matters most — patient care.